15 January, 2008
In the course of the tour reaching seven locations T-soft is going to introduce the open communication space within which both the employers' and employees' sides may put forth their opinion.
01 August, 2007 The new internet portal of the National Association of Local Authorities (TÖOSZ) has been set up. The association has more than 1700 local authorities as members. The portal provides information for the members and other visitors as well. Beside that the association urges the members to participate actively in editing the national portal, where they have the possibility to publish their own artivles for example. June 15, 2007
Since Saga itself co-ordinates several smaller organisations as well, they started using the community portal solution of T-soft that is also used by NRC, as well as the European-wide network of WINNET Europe. This way language barriers are not a 01 June, 2007 At the initiative of OFA KHT. a shared communication space has been created for social partners. The partners publish their articles and pieces of information on their own into a shared on-line magazine. Thus, on the one hand, a digital version of social communication is ensured, on the other hand, a wider circle can get acquainted with the idea of social communication, the participants and the way they see actual labour market problems. 01 February, 2007
21 December, 2006
The elements of the attractions inventory, that is, sights and services available in the microregion are not only listed on the portal - with the help of the integrated Google Map visitors can also locate them geographically. http://www.balatonfelvidek.hu/, http://www.balatonfelvidek.eu/ 22 November, 2006
Each company or organisation involved in tourism has its own page on the tourism portal and within the Attractions Inventory. The novelty of the solution lies in the fact that these companies / organisations are given a marketing instrument that enables them to attract the visitors of the portal to their own pages successfully. The marketing instrument consists of the following elements: A turisztikai szereplõk az ilyen típusú információik közlésével a portál látogatóit közvetlenül vezetik saját oldalukra, és onnan akár saját honlapjukra. Presenting the aforementioned types of information the companies / organisations can lead the visitors of the portal to their own pages directly, and from there the visitors may jump to their own homepages even. It is really "Not like anywhere else ...", even on the Internet: www.veszpremmegye.eu 8 November, 2006 The Academic Committee of Debrecen established the "Supporting Science" award in 1997. It is an acknowledgement of persons or organisations that contribute to the cause of science a great deal within their own range. It is an honour that in 2006 the plaque was awarded to István Tóth, the Executive Director of T-soft Engineering Office Ltd. Our company has been serving the Debrecen Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Science under the address www.dab.hu since June, 2003. 15 August, 2006 The new solution package was added to the portal system of the Keszthely-Hévíz small region on August 15th, 2006. The new module is the Regional Labour Market Information System (RLMIS). As regards appearance, one of the main requirements was that the new portal should match the existing portal system from the point of view of both structure and design. Since the two portal systems are integrated, information flows freely between them.
- Creating an effective, on-line employment system that is accessible for anyone. Since the new portal is a part of the regional portal system, it is available directly from the site www.keszthely-heviz.hu. |