Web-spaces are the elemental units of our solution. What is a company, organisation, or person in a real community, is a Web-space within a portal that represents a community.
Web-spaces are interfaces within our portals that represent a member of the community and make it possible to contact him or her. Web-spaces are media of providing and employing services. Web-spaces provide the following for their owners:
On-line functions
Information flow
Being present with a Web-space within a community portal means being visible, it also signifies belonging to a community. The owner of the Web-space can edit his or her Web-space independently, he or she can introduce himself / herself, advertise his / her services, products. For example the Web-space can be accessed through the Google map that is integrated into the portal, or from the catalogue of activities.
The essence of marketing: to evoke the interest of potential clients and partners again and again. It becomes possible with the help of the marketing set of the Web-space - namely, appearing on strategic pages of the community portals. The elements of the set are the following:
Publishing PR articles
Publishing event information
Publishing advertisements
Publishing information material
The two types of the on-line functions of the Web-space:
On-line functions serving the interests of the owner of the Web-space
A On-line functions demonstrating and based on community coherence
In the first category there are functions tailored to the activities of the owner of the Web-space, for example web-shop, call for offers, etc.
The functions of the second group pertain to the whole of the community, for example an on-line survey, the forms of which are filled in by each member on a protected page, the Web-space editor, that belongs to the Web-space. The completed questionnaires are summarized and evaluated dynamically by the programme.
Information flow
The Web-space and the related Web-space Manager are tools not only for publishing, but also for acquiring information. Within the Web-space Manager users may specify the topics in connection with they wish to receive articles, programme offers, advertisements, or information material. According to that the system regularly delivers pieces of information belonging to the whole community and matching the interest of the user.