WYSIWYG is the abbreviation of the expression "What You See Is What You Get".
The user interfaces of the editor programmes developed by our company and used by our partners comply with that principle with no exceptions.
What does it mean in practice?
Within the editor programme that they can access with their licences, editors can view the content created by them (text, pictures, tables, etc.) as it will appear on the web after saving it, that is, they can see the result already in the course of creation.
The advantage of that is that the editors can determine the looks of the actual content at the same time while it is being edited. Since there are several formatting options available for the editors, the end result can be adjusted in a sophisticated way.
After the content to be published is ready, all the editor has to do is save it, and the programme itself generates the HTML code in order for the contents to appear on the web, and the finished page appears on the Internet within a few seconds.
Owing to all that the application can be used with average user skills, without any programming knowledge, therefore, it contributes to the equality of chances regarding Internet presence.